• +90 542 804 18 03

  • Galata Kuledibi Beyoglu / Istanbul

So, there is a popular team-building / conflict resolution / etc. game that Learning Designs’ has developed called “Topik.” It’s a great game. Learning Designs has used colorful, durable materials to make the game, and even built cool bags to make the game comfortably transportable. I will be bringing this game with me wherever I go in Turkey, to use during workshops at various NGO’s / non-profits / community organizations across the country, which will be awesome.

Something a little less awesome? That I forgot to grab the black bag for Topik before my departure from Istanbul, so instead, I will be carrying this vibrant, in-your-face, undeniably pink Topik bag with me for the next 3+ plus weeks, to all parts unknown in Turkey, making it the first (and in many cases only) impression I will leave upon the people and places I happen to visit and pass through on the myriad streets, buses, cafes, buildings, street corners, etc. that I venture through. I’m not saying that I have a problem with this, no, not really, but it’s just…well, it will add an extra layer of “unique” to what I know will already be a very interesting journey. Without speaking the language, it will be interesting to see how interactions unfold with me toting this thing in midnight bus stops, walking through throbbing city streets screaming “pink” (a color I actually kind of like) to all that care to glance.

It will be developmental. It will be a happening. It will be unique. It will be fun. It will be memorable, without a doubt.

…and away we go!